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About Us

Jesus said to them "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to each of these" And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. (Mark 10-14, 16)
Who We Are

Trinity Lutheran Preschool is a State-licensed, non-profit, innovative early childhood education program designed for children ages 2.5 to 6 years administered by Trinity Lutheran Church of Burlingame, CA. We welcome all families irrespective of race and religion. We are dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus Christ, and committed to providing a loving and stimulating environment to nurture each child spiritually, physically, socially, emotionally, intellectually, and creatively.

Our Mission Statement
Trinity Lutheran Preschool mission is to enrich the lives of children and to educate the human potential through an integrated, balanced curriculum in our “Hands Open Minds” program with the love of Jesus.

Our Philosophy

Our “Hands Open Minds” Program emphasizes Dr. Montessori’s belief that the hand is the chief teacher of the child. The child learns concentration by fixing his/her attention on the task he/she performs with his/her hands. The materials in a prepared environment invite the child to use his/her hands for actual learning in which the child readily absorbs information. She compared the mind of the child to a sponge and called this the “absorbent mind”. This discovery inspires us to set a new direction in education and guides children in their process of development. This program integrates developmentally appropriate learning tools and hands-on activities in all areas. These areas are: practical life, sensorial, language arts, mathematics, science, geography, arts and crafts, technology, music/movement, play, and language enrichment. Through these experiences children learn what they need to know and to be successful lifelong learners. Dr. Montessori wrote: “The most important period of life is not the age of the university studies, but the first one – the period from birth to the age of six.”


Our Christian principles are imbedded in the balanced Christian curriculum, which incorporated weekly chapel time, daily Bible stories, prayers, and songs, and interaction among children and adults. We also encourage each child to discover his/her interests and abilities, and to develop a great sense of worth and self-esteem.

Our Program

Christian-based Montessori program for children ages 2.2 years (fully potty trained) to 6 years old. We integrate developmentally appropriate learning activities in: 

  • Practical Life

  • Sensorial 

  • Language Arts

  • Mathematics

  • Geography

  • Botany

  • Zoology

  • Science

  • Arts and Crafts

  • Music/Movement

  • Games

  • Food Preparation

  • Technology

Why Us?


  • Year-round program and extended hours (open from 8 AM - 6 PM) 5 days or 3 days

  • Reasonable tuition which includes nutritious snacks and lunch

  • Experienced Staff

  • Spacious indoor and outdoor facility

  • Fun, engaging, peaceful and kind environment

  • Weekly chapel time

  • Parent volunteer opportunities

  • Vacation Bible School 

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